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uPVC Windows

uPVC Windows

High performance uPVC that remains the UK’s most popular choice

For more than a decade, uPVC windows have cemented their status as the go-to material for discerning British homeowners, supplanting timber as the standard choice. uPVC windows have undergone significant advancements, becoming a staple in home improvement projects across the nation, with Windows Factory London at the forefront of this evolution.
Renowned for their exceptional energy efficiency, surpassing WER (Window Energy Rating) requirements with ease, all our window styles are crafted from uPVC. This means that residents in Purley, Croydon, Bromley, Surrey, Kent, or Sussex can all enjoy the benefits of its superior feature

Here's Some Of Our

Finished Work

Below are some of the glimpse of Our recently finished work related to uPVC Windows. 


Windows Factory London is an industry-leading window and door manufacturer in London & the UK.

Our Services

– Windows

– Doors

– Conservatories

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